
d learning. We obviously as an organization have gone th

DAVIE, Fla. Tom Kostopoulos Jersey . - The Miami Dolphins have signed offensive lineman Daryn Colledge to a one-year contract. Colledge spent the past three seasons with the Arizona Cardinals. Before that, he spent five seasons with the Green Bay Packers, where he was coached by current Dolphins head coach Joe Philbin. Colledge gives the Dolphins depth at guard. He has appeared in all 128 games over his eight-year career, and that streak is the most by any active guard in the NFL. General manager Dennis Hickey says Colledge is "a proven player who brings a tremendous amount of experience and versatility to the organization." Colledge is a native of North Pole, Alaska and played his college ball at Boise State. The deal was announced on Monday. Ed Olczyk Jersey . The Thornhill, Ont., native, who is ranked 11th in the world, said hed hoped he would be ready when Canada begins its World Group first-round tie against Japan in Tokyo on Friday. Paul Coffey Jersey . He even addressed his group of relievers Sunday morning. Dustin McGowan made those worries a nonfactor, at least for a day. McGowan pitched three-hit ball for seven innings, Colby Rasmus hit a grand slam and Melky Cabrera added a two-run homer as the Blue Jays beat the Pittsburgh Pirates 7-2. https://www.cheappenguinsjersey.com/761q-brian-dumoulin-jersey-penguins.html . However, the intensity and physicality that has characterized the postseason so far has caught Gretzky by surprise. "Its a little bit risqué right now," Gretzky told Philadelphia radio station 97.PHOENIX - No, Roger Goodell is not going to give himself a pay cut. Wont trim even a measly $1 million off his $44 million salary.Not voluntarily, anyway, even after a disastrous year that shook the NFL to its core.Hes also not going to resign and, no, he doesnt expect to be fired.Does that surprise you? he asked the questioner.It didnt, and not much else did Friday as the embattled NFL commissioner put on a show of not being embattled at all at his annual State of the NFL presser.To call this a dog and pony show would be insulting to dogs and ponies everywhere. Nothing about the format was conducive to getting actual answers rather than the talking points the commissioner had long ago committed to memory.A few miles down the road, Tiger Woods was explaining as only he can about how he could shoot 82 on a relatively easy resort course and miss the cut in his first tournament of the year. Goodell took the podium at about the same time to explain why the NFL was going to wait until after the Super Bowl to determine whether the New England Patriots were conspirators in a scheme to deflate footballs.Neither of them were terribly insightful, but at least Woods had an excuse. He had been out playing in the rain for five hours, and was just hoping to get somewhere dry.Goodell, meanwhile, spent the morning working out, presumably while studying the talking points his aides had surely drawn up for any question that might come up. Like Woods, he had an answer for everything, even for the cute little kid who warned his question about league-sponsored exercise would be a tough one.Not for the Teflon Commissioner, it wasnt. Goodell informed the kid that not had he already done Play 60 for the day, but actually did 65 minutes on the elliptical.Goodell was so on point that the only question that seemed to throw him for the slightest moment came from a Las Vegas television reporter who wanted to know about prospects for a team in that gambling city (not good).To be sure, the annual appearance by the commissioner rarely offers much insight into the operations of Americas most popular sports league. The supremely insularr NFL prefers it that way, and without follow up questions the questions bounce around from topic to topic with no clear theme. Ron Stackhouse Jersey. This year, though could have been different. This year should have been different, if only because of two big controversies that cast doubt about fair and just the league really is.Goodell had a chance to go deeper into the deflated ball controversy, and didnt. He could have directly answered why his friend, New England owner Robert Kraft, wants an apology for the way the league has handled it, and didnt.He could have talked more about the whole Ray Rice affair, and didnt.Instead he talked in generalities about winning trust from fans every day and making enormous progress on social issues.The NFL is made up of good and caring people, he assured us at one point.That may be true, but for now were going to have to take Goodells word for it. Were also going to have to believe him when he says that the events have recent months have humbled him.It might be easier, though, if those responses didnt seem as scripted and full of generalities as his thoughts about players safety (hes for it) and earlier kickoff times for games in London - giving the networks yet another 3-hour block of NFL television (terrific).Listen, it has been a tough year, Goodell said. It has been a tough year on me personally. Its been a year of what I would say humility and learning. We obviously as an organization have gone through adversity, but more importantly it has been adversity for me. That is something where, we take that seriously. Its an opportunity for us to get better. So weve all done a lot of soul searching, starting with yours truly. And we have taken action.Speaking of action, Mr. Commissioner, how about that pay cut?Thats up to the owners, Goodell said. They evaluate my performance. They evaluate my compensation every year. And I dont argue.Come to think of it, after a year like the last one silence might be Goodells best option.____Tim Dahlberg is a national sports columnist for The Associated Press. Write to him at tdahlberg@ap.org or http://twitter.com/timdahlberg ' ' '

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